Thank you very much for visiting our website. I sincerely hope that our website will prove crucial for our perspective clients in developing the right understanding about our entire business operation. As you may know, we are a specialized Human Resource Training and Placement Company.
It is our belief that our website will be able to deliver accurate information pertaining to the Nepalese human resource industry. Since our humble beginning in the early twenties, we have achieved tremendous growth. We were able to do this with a combination of prudence, pro-activeness, timely engagement, commitment to excellence, and above all the drive to ensure client's satisfaction at all times.
As our tagline goes truly reflecting our organizational culture, we strongly believe that our client’s prosperity is our success; our client’s satisfaction is our goal, Our client’s convenience is our objective and therefore our operation is mechanized in such a way to ensure effective, efficient and timely delivery of service with the ultimate goal of enhancing clients’ satisfaction.
I would like to assure you that our commitment remains undeterred as we grow and expand.
On behalf of the Aseana International Pvt. Ltd., I look forward to serving you better!
Sincerely,Kalu Gurung
ChairmanAseana International Pvt. Ltd.
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